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We make film THAT IS always firmly supported by strategy.

So well made and beautiful.
Because we love film.


Ieder zijn goesting. Maar wat voor ons belangrijk is, is dat jouw video’s passen in je grotere plan.


Per formaat 1 video
U vraagt, wij maken (en we stellen geen vragen)
We denken na over hoe we je video maken (maar niet meer dan dat)
Recycleren is goed, toch?
We werken opdracht per opdracht

Het Bataljon

Campagnestrategie met video’s die doel raken bij jouw klanten
We voeren uit, maar denken ook na over hoe je merk verder kan groeien
Video’s, foto’s, snippets — en een plan om daar het maximum uit te halen
Content die je merk vat én overbrengt. Geen witte producten dus
Hallo langetermijnvisie!

we bieden 3 services aan

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ik wil iets moeilijk uitleggen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Eu consectetur pulvinar auctor sed hac. Sodales gravida pellentesque sapien diam




Vertel me meer
ik wel mensen fan maken
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Eu consectetur pulvinar auctor sed hac. Sodales gravida pellentesque sapien diam

Corporate film

Imago & Brand

Recruitment film

Vertel me meer
People in a meetingMan strokes dogWoman with post-its

Let's start with a DISCOVERY DAY

What are you up to as a brand?

We think like marketers before we shoot. So, what do you need to move forward? How do you want to be seen as a brand? That's what we want to know.

What should that video do (do)?

Who is your target group? Where do they sit? How can we charm them? What are they looking for? How do we get the videos to them? What do you want them to do? (More questions!)

How should he get in?

We're looking for the soul of your brand. And from your audience. We show examples and pitch ideas, looking for the tone that makes fans of your customers.

What is your competition up to?

Is one of them secretly making you jealous? That's useful for us to know and unconsciously reveals what you like and what you don't like.

What we don't do

Blanks Luck
Producing without a purpose

Pure executive work
Record what's happening

Creating content without authenticity

Writing creative ideas for free

Working with unethical companies

One-way traffic in cooperation

We film
here and there

Earth globe with flag

Belgium or far beyond? In nature or in the studio?
We take our camera with us everywhere.

Movie crew
Movie set
Movie set
Movie set
Movie set
Movie set
Empty cafe
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