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Videos that make people love you

To attract good people, you can do more than set a ping-pong table: show that the atmosphere is right. Be proud of the clean work you do every day. Don't keep that to LinkedIn any longer, but make a really wise company video about it.


A plan called “Always On”, with customized content throughout the year.

Corporate movie

But really well made

You can let a drone fly over your office, but we can also simply show people how clean you are inside. A decent corporate film shows your character, soul and hard work.

Image & Brand

But what do you actually do?

How cool would it be if you could explain that with a video. In an image & brand video, you show the DNA of your brand and let everyone feel how you really work.

Recruitment movie

We are happy to have you on our team

Misconception: recruitment videos are meant to attract workers. If it's up to us, they primarily serve to fill the workforce you have with pride. The fact that future workers then feel a twinge of jealousy and apply spontaneously is a good result.

De andere twee

knalcampagnes maken
Er zit een gaatje in je marcom plan. En wij gaan dat opvullen. Waarmee wel? Met creatieve video, geestige tv-spots en campagnebeelden die zich stevig in het collectief geheugen nestelen.
Music video
Ja! Vertel me meer!
iets moeilijks uitleggen
Moeilijke materie wordt beter verteerd als je ze in een schone video presenteert. Een geestige animatievideo, ernstige explainer of omgekeerd? Roger.
Explainer video
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