Prepared to the smallest GRAVEL
Banging a tile isn't exactly sexy. But thanks to a constructive tension, a famous battle and a good apéro, everything broke loose. Literally. With a detailed script in our frak, the cast and crew were always able to set their scene quickly and firmly in the harsh Belgian weather. A well-organized shooting day, props à volonté and heavy camera work: not one stone was left behind.
Enthusiasm, through hell and high water
We had one day of shooting to capture the battle. One drizzly day of shooting, to be exact. The typical Flemish weather could have put a damper on the applause, but thanks to teamwork, understanding, strong communication and a lot of professionalism on the part of the cast and crew, the enthusiasm was unbearable.
Many thanks also to the municipality of Sint-Gillis-Waas, an indispensable help in making this shooting day successful!
Puzzling in a Western atmosphere
To reduce the grinding wheels, picks and flying tiles to a musical ensemble, a fiery tango followed between our editing cell and Audiotheque. Together with them, we solved the puzzle of audio and image. For the final piece of the puzzle, we sat the customer down on our couch to waltz him through the first version.
For our campaign film tile wippen, they started working with a concept of ours and evolved into a strong and authentically supported Battalion video in co-creation, with their own accents.”
Creation and Design,
Flemish Government
The result is a Western-style promotional video, enhanced with cries from Tine and Bartel, to convince many Flemings: a day gone by is a day without partying. Let's go Flemish Tile Rocking Championship!